#format wiki #language en = About Us = '''ninux.org''' is a [[WirelessNetworkCommunity|Wireless Network Community]] in Italy. Our goal is the creation and expansion of a free, open and experimental [[https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Computer_network|computer network]]. Please visit our [[NinuxOrgFAQInEnglish|FAQs]] for more information. * On our [[http://map.ninux.org|MapServer]] and on the [[https://ninux.nodeshot.org/|Nodeshot MapServer]] you could see the active links (green nodes and lines) and the potential nodes (orange colour) * There is also a [[MakeANode|Quick Guide]] on setting up a node * The [[http://blog.ninux.org|Blog]] is a useful resource to learn more about us. * If you want to contact us: * write to this email: contatti [at] ninux.org * Join our [[MailingLists|Mailing Lists]] * some people still use the old [[slack]] chat * IRC channel #ninux at freenode * Direct access with the [[https://riot.im/app/#/room/#freenode_#ninux.org:matrix.org|Matrix Webchat]] * Next online meeting in IRC: Wed, 8th Feb 2017 '''Important Links:''' * [[TitleIndex|Site Index]] * [[Multimedia|Video]] * [[http://map.ninux.org|Map]] * '''[[http://blog.ninux.org|Blog on ninux.org]]''' * [[https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&depth=1&hl=de&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.de&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://wiki.ninux.org/ComeWikizzare&usg=ALkJrhjqFKmvQH9SodoZH6uCM8FElMXgRg#Come_contribuire_al_wiki| Come contribuire al wiki]] * [[https://translate.google.de/translate?hl=de&sl=it&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ninux.org%2FStampa|Ninux in media]] * [[http://netjson.org|NetJSON]]: data interchange format for networks '''Social Networks''': * [[https://twitter.com/ninuxorg|Twitter]] * [[https://plus.google.com/118317108114353554766/posts|Google+]] * [[https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ninux-Wireless-Community-Network/222670574424426|Facebook]] ---- == list of communities == <> Enjoy your visit! :) == Realtime traffic figure == Unidata - Roma: {{http://stats.ninux.org/genera2.php?ip=}} Namex - Roma: {{http://stats.ninux.org/genera2.php?ip=}} Panservice primario - Latina: {{http://stats.ninux.org/genera2.php?ip=}} Panservice secondario - Latina: {{http://stats.ninux.org/genera2.php?ip=}} == English Page index == CategoryEnglishPages