Configuring a single wiki

If you run a single wiki, you should not copy the file into your configuration directory (remove it and the .pyc file, if it is there). Without farmconfig, moin uses the default usually is located besides your moin.cgi driver script. If you need to make a custom install, it can be located anywhere, but you must add the path to the directory where it is located to your Python system path in your server script. See the "System Path Configuration" section in your server script.

General notes on wiki/ structure:

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-

from MoinMoin.config.multiconfig import DefaultConfig

class Config(DefaultConfig):

    sitename = u'MyWiki'   # u means that it will be converted to Unicode
    interwikiname = 'MyWiki'
    data_dir = '/where/ever/mywiki/data/'
    underlay_dir = '/where/ever/mywiki/underlay/'
    # More settings follow...