
Besides remoteWiki, all other parameters are optional. Those parameters must be stored as WikiDict in the job page.


InterWiki moniker/name of the remote wiki. Note that it has to match the interwiki name that has been configured by the admin of the remote wiki. You will see an error message if this is not the case.

Is prepended to the remote pagename when searching for pages/sending pages. So if you do not want to clutter the global namespace of the remote wiki, you can set a prefix to create all your pages as subpages of another page in the remote wiki.
Is prepended to the local pagename when receiving new pages. This is mainly useful if you do not want to let the remote pages clutter your global name space. You can use it to aggregate different wiki sites into your local one.
If defined, it describes, using a regular expression, the pages which should be transferred.

If defined, only these (local or remote) pages are transferred. Matching is not used in this case. Page names have to be separated by commas, other syntax like [[ should not be used.


If defined, only these page local groups and all referred pages are transferred. Neither matching nor pageList is used in this case. Note that these group pages are not resolved recursively. The syntax is the same as the pageList's one.


This is either Down or Both (it is not case-sensitive). Down means that local changes are not written to the remote wiki. Note that Down is slower and more bandwith-consuming in some cases.

The username that should be used to authenticate in the remote wiki.

The password that should be used to authenticate in the remote wiki. /!\ Do not supply the password on the page if you cannot make sure that nobody else will be able to read it! Rather just set the user - MoinMoin will ask you for the password automatically.