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Ricerca di "linkto:"LocalSpellingWords"" nei contenuti

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HelpOnSpellCheck . . . 2 corrispondenze
...ict" directory of data directory of your wiki (per-wiki dictionnary) * the page LocalSpellingWords If the "dbhash" module is available with your Python installation, the files in ...

2.8k - revisione: 1 (attuale) modificata l'ultima volta il 0

SystemPagesInEnglishGroup . . . 1 corrispondenza
... InterWikiMap * LocalBadContent * EditedSystemPages * MoinPagesEditorGroup * LocalSpellingWords * SystemPagesGroup - /!\ do not move this to first list level! * SystemPagesS...

5.6k - revisione: 1 (attuale) modificata l'ultima volta il 0

HelpOnInstalling/MinimalWiki . . . 1 corrispondenza
...gory``Category * Category``Homepage * Category``Template * LocalBadContent * LocalSpellingWords * MoinPagesEditorGroup * RecentChanges * SystemInfo (especially for testing) ...

4.8k - revisione: 1 (attuale) modificata l'ultima volta il 0

HelpOnConfiguration . . . 1 corrispondenza
...age linked from the license hint. [Unicode] || || page_local_spelling_words || u'LocalSpellingWords' || Name of the page containing user-provided spellchecker words [Unicode] || ||...

26.1k - revisione: 1 (attuale) modificata l'ultima volta il 0

AiutoSuControlloOrtografico . . . 1 corrispondenza
... If you don't, your new dictionaries won't be recognized (e.g. it will use only LocalSpellingWords). Another possible cause of problems is that you did not place the dictionaries ...

2.5k - revisione: 1 (attuale) modificata l'ultima volta il 0