Ninux Day 2013

The community would like to invite you to the second "Ninux Day", the only day that lasts a weekend ;)

A surreal timeslot to address several topics from the world of wireless communities and gather under the same roof hackers, techies, nerds, engineers, computer enthusiasts, amateurs, artists and academics.

Technical and social topics will be addressed, together with experts coming from all over Italy and Europe.

versione italiana

<<TableOfContents: esecuzione non riuscita [list index out of range] (consultare anche la registrazione)>>

OK, but what is this all about?

Wireless community networks are telecommunications infrastructures built by the users, without intermediaries. The phenomenon is growing in all the World and especially in Europe, thanks to the dropping of equipment prices. In Italy the potential of these networks has not been yet understood. To spread the community networks culture and foster their development, from the 1st to the 3rd of November 2013, in Rome, at the Fusolab 2.0, the second NinuxDay will be held, after four years from the last edition, together with all the Italian ninux communities.


At the Fusolab 2.0 in Rome, Via della bella villa 94


November 1-2-3 2013.


Talks and workshops on:

Call For Papers


Who will be there



Free entrance. We kindly ask for a donation to cover the structure's expenses.

What to bring


See NinuxDay2013/TimeTable


Work in progress

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