== Welcome to New Ninux Member...and Orientation Guide == Hi, we are glad you join to Ninux Community....it's a real pleasure. In this article we try to provide To you a quick orintation guide about what and where are the information sources. Ninux Community offers you a various exchange and sharing services.... Please use it..and when you feel the desire to create or integrate these services, do it with us.... Ninux shares with you the following Issues: * Server Services (please see Services webpage) * Internet Sharing at the best effort. Support is NO mandatory...everyone tries to do his best when available * Education: Free Courses are available on Calendar... No cost, but if you can, please "donate" To the comunity * Laboratory Facilities: you can partecipate to sperimental activities with the Community * Social & Friendships: you can join to new friends and/social activities * Support weak People: you can try support people that need help * Events & parties: you are invited to partecipate to all events...come and invite other friend too.... * ...and more and more.... Come to our Calandar Meetings for sharing and propose activites. Thank you for your Support in Ninux Community. See you soon in Ninux Community. [[Servizi|Back to Servizi]] (Article posted on October 29th by AlePad)