Le seguenti 351 parole non sono state trovate nel dizionario di 1275 termini (includendo 1275 LocalSpellingWords) e sono evidenziate qui sotto:
account   accountcode   accounts   addons   address   admin   adpcm   advanced   agent   alaw   allow   always   amaflags   Answer   answer   Asterisk   asterisk   attach   Avaya   aware   Backup   backup   basic   be   before   behind   big   billsec   block   Box   brings   bug   build   but   call   calldate   called   Calls   calls   can   case   cd   cdr   cfgbasic   channel   checkconfig   clid   co   comes   command   comment   Comment   Compile   compile   conf   config   configuration   configure   configuring   console   contact   context   Custom   customize   customvoip   datetime   dbname   dcontext   Debian   default   dev   dial   Dial   dialformat   dialstatus   Digium   digium   diplay   disallow   displayed   disposition   distro   does   download   Download   dst   dstchannel   dtmf   duration   dynamic   each   enough   especially   etc   existing   experience   exten   extension   extensions   failover   far   features   field   file   files   fill   fixing   flexible   folder   follow   following   For   for   form   found   freeze   friend   from   From   fullname   G1   g726   g729   Gentoo   get   getting   global   go   going   Goto   gsm   gui   guide   had   hangs   Hangup   hasexten   hasiax   hassip   hear   host   hostname   how   idea   If   if   ilbc   Incoming   incoming   insecure   installation   instead   Instead   int   interface   just   key   kill   know   knowledge   last   lastapp   lastdata   latest   libncurses5   like   line   list   localhost   Log   log   Logs   lost   lot   lpc10   Macro   macro   mailbox   make   manager   Manual   many   match   matches   menuselect   mess   messagenet   messages   might   mixing   modify   Monitoring   My   my   mysecret   mysql   need   new   New   Note   Notes   Now   numbers   Old   older   on   once   one   Op   Optionally   options   or   order   out   output   own   packaged   password   pattern   Peer   peer   peers   performance   phone   phones   Phones   port   present   problem   problems   provider   public   qualify   read   register   registeriax   registersip   reload   Remove   replace   reporting   repository   restart   return   Ring   Ringing   ringing   root   Rule   Run   run   rvvvv   same   samples   saverio   scripts   secret   Secret   section   several   should   show   showing   shows   simply   sip   sock   sometimes   sounds   source   sources   specify   speex   sql   src   Standard   started   starting   static   still   stuff   such   support   supposed   svn   system   table   tags   technologies   telling   termcap   terminate   that   then   there   thing   this   This   time   times   tmp   to   To   Tone   tone   tool   Tor   transfer   Trunk   trunk   trunkdial   trunkname   trunkstyle   try   tune   Tunnel   tuscolomesh   type   typing   Ubuntu   ulaw   Understanding   up   use   used   user   User   userfield   username   users   usr   varchar   verbose   Vergata   very   voip   waiting   warning   way   we   What   while   Why   will   with   workaround   works   write   X2   yes   yourpassword  

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Install Asterisk 1.4.36 with Asterisk GUI

This guide will show how to compile and install Asterisk 1.4.36 getting the sources from the Digium SVN repository.

As far as I know, no Linux distro comes with a packaged Asterisk 1.4.x, but this new version brings a lot of new features, such as the web configuration tool called AsteriskGUI.

Instead you could use AsteriskNow, but it does not come with the latest AsteriskGUI, and is not flexible as your own Linux Box.

In this guide I used my Gentoo Linux Box

Log in as root and... :


Remove any older Asterisk installation and backup your existing /etc/asterisk folder, we are going to make a big mess :)

Download the sources

cd /usr/src
svn co http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/tags/1.4.36/ asterisk-1.4.36
svn co http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk-addons/tags/1.4.12/ asterisk-addons-1.4.12
svn co http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk-gui/tags/2.0.4/ asterisk-gui


in each folder (follow the same order as source download):

make install
make samples

Note (for Debian or Ubuntu):

If ./configure or make return the following error: configure: error: *** termcap support not found, install: libncurses5-dev

Optionally you can run make menuselect before make to customize your build

In the asterisk-gui run

make checkconfig

and follow the output of the command to tune the configuration files. You will need to run make checkconfig several times fixing one thing per time.

Run Asterisk

Now just run:


and once started you might attach to the console this way:

asterisk -rvvvv

The web interface is here:

warning: replace with your server IP address

To configure your account add a block in your /etc/asterisk/manager.conf

secret = mysecret
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting

Understanding Asterisk 1.4 GUI

In asterisk 1.2 we had in the sip.conf stuff like this:

register =>  username:password@sip.messagenet.it:5061/EXTENSION

If you are configuring with the web GUI, go to the advanced options and fill the field "contact" with EXTENSION you had in the register line of Asterisk 1.2

Now go to "Incoming Calls" and create a Rule that matches your "contact".

Also, there is a bug in the scripts of the GUI. If you have many accounts from the same provider, the the "Incoming Calls" form you always have to specify the last one on the list.

Asterisk will always match the first [Trunk] that shows up typing in the console sip show peers


For this section it is supposed that you have a basic MySQL knowledge

Create a asterisk.sql file like this:


  ON asterisk.*
    TO asterisk@localhost
      IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';

      USE asterisk;

      CREATE TABLE `cdr` (
      `calldate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
      `clid` varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
      `src` varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
      `dst` varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
      `dcontext` varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
      `channel` varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
      `dstchannel` varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
      `lastapp` varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
      `lastdata` varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
      `duration` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `billsec` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `disposition` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',
      `amaflags` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `accountcode` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
      `userfield` varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''

      ALTER TABLE `cdr` ADD INDEX ( `calldate` );
      ALTER TABLE `cdr` ADD INDEX ( `dst` );
      ALTER TABLE `cdr` ADD INDEX ( `accountcode` );

Change the password in the file and then simply

mysql -u root -p < asterisk.sql

Now edit /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf :


You have to kill asterisk and restart it, a reload from the console is not enough in this case.


Phones diplay "New user" instead of numbers on incoming call

From users.conf you may comment out

fullname = New User

or incoming calls from peers will be displayed on the phones as "New user" instead of showing the phone numbers.

Avaya phones freeze after a while

Comment out the


line form the phone block in users.conf It is a problem with asterisk telling the phone that there are messages waiting


qualify = yes

No Ring Tone

In extensions.conf modify the macro trunkdial as follows:

be aware sometimes you have to change also the [macro-trunkdial-failover-0.3] 

the key idea is that you add a answer and a ringing command before starting the call

; Standard trunk dial macro (hangs up on a dialstatus that should 
; terminate call)
;   ${ARG1} - What to dial
;exten => s,1,Dial(${ARG1})

exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,2,Ringing
exten => s,3,Dial(${ARG1})
exten => s,n,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
exten => s-NOANSWER,1,Hangup
exten => s-BUSY,1,Hangup
exten => _s-.,1,NoOp

If you still experience problems also you can do this:

in users.conf :

transfer = no

Why this works?: if you allow transfer, ringing sounds might get lost especially if mixing technologies such as SIP and IAX2 ??

Old workaround:

If you can't hear ringing tone on your voip phone try to add the following line in the extension.conf file

exten = your_pattern,1,Answer
exten = your_pattern,2,Ringing
exten = your_pattern,3,Macro(trunkdial,${trunk_n}/${EXTEN:0})

IAX Tunnel with a peer behind NAT

Configuration on the Peer behind NAT

  • trunk_10 is the username that asterisk will use to register to the other peer with the public IP
  • trunk_1 is the username that the other user will present to log in here
  • type friend is VERY IMPORTANT for this configuration

allow = ulaw,alaw,gsm,ilbc,speex,g726,adpcm,lpc10
context = DID_trunk_10
dialformat = ${EXTEN:1}
hasexten = yes
hasiax = yes
hassip = no
username = trunk_1
secret = mySecret
host = asterisk.ninux.org 
port = 4569
registeriax = yes
registersip = no
trunkname = Manual Tor Vergata
trunkstyle = customvoip
disallow = g729
insecure = very
type = friend
qualify = yes

Configuration on the Peer with public IP

[trunk_1] ;saverio
allow = all
context = DID_trunk_1
dialformat = ${EXTEN:1}
hasexten = yes
hasiax = yes
hassip = no
host = dynamic
secret = mySecret
username = trunk_10
port = 4569
type = friend
registeriax = yes
registersip = no
trunkname = Custom - tuscolomesh
trunkstyle = customvoip
qualify = yes