Versione 1 del 2007-11-02 15:32:57

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Install Asterisk 1.4 Branch with Asterisk GUI

This guide will show how to compile and install Asterisk 1.4 from the SVN 1.4 branch.

As far as I know, no Linux distro comes with a packaged Asterisk 1.4, but this new version brings a lot of new features, such as the web configuration tool called AsteriskGUI.

Instead you could use AsteriskNow, but it does not come with the latest AsteriskGUI, and is not flexible as your own Linux Box.

In this guide I used my Gentoo Linux Box

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Download the sources

cd /usr/src
svn co asterisk-1.4
svn co asterisk.addons-1.4
svn co asterisk-gui-1.4 asterisk-gui-1.4


in each folder (follow the same order as source download):

make install
make samples

Optionally you can run make menuselect before make to customize your build

In the asterisk-gui-1.4 run

make checkconfig

and follow the output of the command to tune the configuration files