Le seguenti 143 parole non sono state trovate nel dizionario di 1275 termini (includendo 1275 LocalSpellingWords) e sono evidenziate qui sotto:
4c00   4olsr   6olsr   8021q   893b   accept   address   Addresses   Aging   Algorithm   amd64   Announcements   apt   arm   Assign   automatico   avvio   Based   based   bin   bison   boot   build   cd   Check   chmod   Clona   clone   Compilare   compilare   conf   Configura   Cosa   Coverage   Debian   Debug   Defaults   dev   dispositivi   Dispositivo   dopo   Enjoy   eseguite   esitare   essensials   Estensione   etc   eth0   etx   exit   Eye   F02   Fish   flat   flex   float   Gateway   get   git   Ground   guida   Hello   Hna   Hna4   Hna6   Hysteresis   If   includendolo   Installa   Interface   Interval   ip   Ip   ipv6   jsoninfo   Kernel   Lancia   lancia   Level   libs   Load   local   make   mdns   mesh   Metric   Mid   Mode   modprobe   modules   Mpr   Multicast   necessari   Network   Niit   null   Olsr   olsr   olsrd   olsrd6   Param   Pl   Plugin   Pollrate   port   Pv4   Pv6   Quality   Quasi   Raspberry   rc   Rd   Redundancy   Riavvia   Routing   Run   sbin   serve   sleep   Smart   so   sorgenti   stampa   sudare   superutente   Tc   terra   Time   tool   true   txtinfo   Txtinfo   Ubuntu   ultima   Use   usr   Validity   vconfig   vim   vlan   Vlans   wget   X86  

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Routing a terra con apparati Debian Based

Estensione della guida GroundRouting per dispositivi Debian based

Cosa serve:

  • Dispositivo con sistema operativo Debian, Ubuntu... (X86, amd64, arm, RaspberryPI)

Quasi tutte le operazioni devono essere eseguite come superutente quindi non esitare a sudare.

Compilare l'ultima versione di OLSRd

Clona i sorgenti di OLSRd

git clone git://olsr.org/olsrd.git

Spostati sulla directory dei sorgenti

cd olsrd

Installa i pacchetti necessari a compilare OLSRd

apt-get install build-essensials bison flex

Do It!

make libs
make install
make install_libs

Installa i tool per VLAN

apt-get install vlan

Installa i tool di stampa di Txtinfo

vim /bin/4olsr

wget -q$1 -O -

chmod 777 /bin/4olsr

vim /bin/6olsr

wget -q http://[::1]:2007/$1 -O -

chmod 777 /bin/6olsr

Configura OLSR

vim /etc/olsrd.conf

DebugLevel  0
IpVersion 4

Pollrate  0.025
FIBMetric "flat"
UseNiit no
SmartGateway no
  #Hna Announcements

LinkQualityLevel 2
LinkQualityAlgorithm    "etx_float"
LinkQualityAging 0.02

UseHysteresis no
TcRedundancy  2
MprCoverage 7

LinkQualityFishEye  1

LoadPlugin "olsrd_txtinfo.so.0.1"
    PlParam      "accept" ""

LoadPlugin "olsrd_mdns.so.1.0.1"
 PlParam "NonOlsrIf" "eth0"
 PlParam "MDNS_TTL" "20"
 PlParam "TTL_Check" "true"
 PlParam "Network_ID" "1"

LoadPlugin "olsrd_jsoninfo.so.0.0"
        PlParam "accept" ""

InterfaceDefaults {
   HelloInterval 3.0
   HelloValidityTime 125.0
   TcInterval 2.0
   TcValidityTime 500.0
   MidInterval 25.0
   MidValidityTime 500.0
   HnaInterval 10.0
   HnaValidityTime 125.0


Interface "eth0" “eth0.101” “eth0.102”
    Mode "mesh"

vim /etc/olsrd6.conf

DebugLevel  0
IpVersion 6

Pollrate  0.025
FIBMetric "flat"

UseNiit no
SmartGateway no

  #Hna Announcements

LinkQualityLevel 2
LinkQualityAlgorithm    "etx_float"
LinkQualityAging 0.02

UseHysteresis no
TcRedundancy  2
MprCoverage 7

LinkQualityFishEye  1

LoadPlugin "olsrd_txtinfo.so.0.1"
    PlParam      "accept" "::"
    PlParam      "port"    "2007"

InterfaceDefaults {
   HelloInterval 3.0
   HelloValidityTime 125.0
   TcInterval 2.0
   TcValidityTime 500.0
   MidInterval 25.0
   MidValidityTime 500.0
   HnaInterval 10.0
   HnaValidityTime 125.0


Interface "eth0" “eth0.101” “eth0.102”
    Mode "mesh"
    IPv6Multicast FF02::6D

Start Script

vim /etc/ninux

  #Load Kernel modules
  modprobe ipv6
  modprobe 8021q

  #Add Vlans
  vconfig add eth0 101 > /dev/null
  vconfig add eth0 102 > /dev/null

  sleep 5

  #Assign IPv4 Addresses
  ip address add 172.16.x.y/16 dev eth0.101
  ip address add 172.16.x.z dev eth0.102

  #Assign IPv6 Addresses
  ip address add 2001:4c00:893b:a::b/64 dev eth0
  ip address add 2001:4c00:893b:1:x::y/128 dev eth0.101
  ip address add 2001:4c00:893b:1:x::z/128 dev eth0.102

  sleep 5

  #Run OLSRd
  /usr/local/sbin/olsrd -d 0 -f /etc/olsrd6.conf > /dev/null
  /usr/local/sbin/olsrd -d 0 -f /etc/olsrd.conf > /dev/null
) &

chmod 755 /etc/ninux

Lancia l'avvio automatico dello script dopo il boot includendolo in rc.local

vim /etc/rc.local

#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.


exit 0

Riavvia il sistema o lancia


Enjoy Ninux!