Le seguenti 236 parole non sono state trovate nel dizionario di 1275 termini (includendo 1275 LocalSpellingWords) e sono evidenziate qui sotto:
aborts   Account   action   active   Active   address   admin   administrator   adresses   again   against   alias   aliasname   allow   already   another   argument   Ask   ask   asking   assuming   attribute   auth   authentication   autocreate   backend   based   Be   be   before   bind   binddn   binding   bindpw   binduser   button   by   callback   called   can   careful   chain   char   checked   checks   clicks   cn   coding   complex   config   Configuring   controller   cookie   correct   creates   dc   debug   depends   dict   dir   disable   display   documentation   does   domain   don   double   either   enables   enters   establish   everything   example   family   fields   file   filter   filtering   final   fix   fixed   follow   Foot   for   form   format   from   function   generated   get   given   givenname   got   Groups   hands   help   his   hour   How   how   if   If   import   indented   input   Installing   into   its   keep   know   last   ldap   ldapsearch   lifetime   like   log   login   logins   long   look   lots   mail   manage   Manager   Maybe   member   model   module   modules   more   name   Name   need   next   None   Note   object   ok   on   On   Only   or   ou   over   page   password   password2   passwords   please   Preferences   problem   Problems   process   profile   provides   Put   put   python   queries   query   remove   requests   required   respective   result   return   rootdn   samba   same   scope   searching   secret   see   session   settings   setup   short   sign   similar   single   sn   so   some   steps   still   string   strings   subsequent   successfully   such   support   surname   talking   that   then   there   these   they   this   those   timeout   to   tool   True   try   uid   updates   uri   Use   use   used   User   user   username   Users   users   uses   using   usually   Usually   utf   values   verbose   Verify   vetoes   via   wait   want   way   We   we   Windows   with   work   works   write  

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LDAP based user authentication

How it works

The LDAP auth module of MoinMoin enables single-sign-on (SSO) - assuming you already have a LDAP directory with your users, passwords, email adresses. On Linux this could be some OpenLDAP server, on a Windows server (usually the domain controller) this is called "Active Directory" (short: AD).

It works like this:

  • User enters his name and password via moin's login action and clicks on the login button.
  • On login, ldap_login auth module checks username/password against LDAP.
    • If username/password is ok for LDAP, it creates or updates a user profile with values from ldap (name, alias, email) and creates a user object in the MoinMoin process, then it hands over to the next auth module...

    • If username/password is not ok for LDAP, it vetoes the login and aborts the chain of login modules.
  • Usually, you want to use moin_session as the final auth module to establish the session with the user. It uses a cookie to keep the session and create the user object on all subsequent non-login requests.


You need to install python-ldap module (and everything it depends on, see its documentation).

You need an LDAP or AD server. :)

Configuring LDAP authentication

Put this into your wiki config (indented in the same way as the other settings there):

    from MoinMoin.auth.ldap_login import ldap_login
    from MoinMoin.auth import moin_session
    auth = [ldap_login, moin_session]

    import ldap
    ldap_uri = 'ldap://ad.example.org' # ldap / active directory server URI

    # We can either use some fixed user and password for binding to LDAP.
    # Be careful if you need a % char in those strings - as they are used as
    # a format string, you have to write %% to get a single % in the end.
    #ldap_binddn = 'binduser@example.org'
    #ldap_bindpw = 'secret'

    # Also, if your OpenLDAP is for samba 3 or another model of domain controller 
    # auth backend, you need add as binddn and bindpw your rootdn chain (Manager
    # or any other) and respective password.
    #ldap_binddn = 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=org'
    #ldap_bindpw = 'secret'

    # or we can use the username and password we got from the user:
    ldap_binddn = '%(username)s@example.org' # DN we use for first bind (AD)
    #ldap_binddn = 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org' # DN we use for first bind (OpenLDAP)
    ldap_bindpw = '%(password)s' # password we use for first bind

    ldap_base = 'ou=SOMEUNIT,dc=example,dc=org' # base DN we use for searching
    ldap_scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE # scope of the search we do
    ldap_filter = '(sAMAccountName=%(username)s)' # ldap filter used for searching
    # for openLDAP in domain controller, the ldap_filter need a change:
    #ldap_filter = '(uid=%(username)s)' # ldap filter used for ldap in samba domain controller
    # you can also do more complex filtering like:
    # "(&(cn=%(username)s)(memberOf=CN=WikiUsers,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=org))"

    ldap_givenname_attribute = 'givenName' # ldap attribute we get the first name from
    ldap_surname_attribute = 'sn' # ldap attribute we get the family name from
    ldap_aliasname_attribute = 'displayName' # ldap attribute we get the aliasname from
    ldap_email_attribute = 'mail' # ldap attribute we get the email address from
    ldap_email_callback = None # the function that is called with a dict as the first argument that provides LDAP data. the function has to return the e-mail address that was generated from the dict input

    ldap_coding = 'utf-8' # coding used for ldap queries and result values
    ldap_timeout = 10 # how long we wait for the ldap server [s]
    ldap_verbose = True # if True, put lots of LDAP debug info into the log

    cookie_lifetime = 1 # 1 hour after last access ldap login is required again
    user_autocreate = True

    # we don't allow the user to change those values on UserPreferences page
    user_form_disable = ['name', 'aliasname', 'email', ]
    # we remove those fields as they are not used for ldap based logins
    user_form_remove = ['password', 'password2', ]


MoinMoin support does not know your LDAP server setup, so please follow these steps before asking for help:

  • Use ldap_verbose and look into your log file1.

  • Verify your settings and your user/password by e.g. using ldapsearch to query your LDAP server.
    • /!\ As long as you don't manage talking to your LDAP server with such a tool, you don't need to try with MoinMoin.

  • Ask the administrator of your LDAP/AD server for help / for correct settings.
  • Maybe look into MoinMoin/auth/ldap_login.py, if you can debug or fix your problem there.

/!\ Only ask MoinMoin support if you successfully used ldapsearch (or some similar tool) and you double checked your wiki config and it does still not work with moin.

  1. this file is into your wiki data dir (1)