Le seguenti 195 parole non sono state trovate nel dizionario di 1275 termini (includendo 1275 LocalSpellingWords) e sono evidenziate qui sotto:
able   about   advanced   Alias   alias   allow   Allow   Apache   apache   application   around   assume   basic   be   bin   blank   block   but   certain   Changes   client   conf   config   configuration   Contents   copied   css   dahoam   danielt   Debug   default   deny   directives   does   don   duplo   dyndns   easy   else   Engine   etc   everything   example   exercise   exist   Fast   fcg   fcgi   File   files   following   for   from   get   gives   Gnarlodious   got   Handler   home   Host   host   htdocs   httpd   If   images   impossible   information   installation   Installing   instance   instead   instructions   intercepts   Jan   know   knowledge   last   Level   like   limitations   lines   local   located   Log   ls   Ls   Mac   Map   map   me   mod   Modpy   modpy   module   Module   moinmodpy   moinwiki   mywiki   Name   namespace   needs   newbies   nice   nirs   None   normal   now   Now   offered   offers   On   on   only   Options   Order   Osx   Override   page   part   Path   path   Point   possible   prefix   previous   problem   program   pw   python   Recent   recipe   redundant   referer   Remove   requires   restart   Rewrite   rewrite   root   Root   Rule   rwxr   seems   Setting   setup   share   shared   should   Since   so   some   standard   static   static160   stick   stuff   sys   Table   that   There   these   These   they   This   this   to   tricks   type   up   urls   Use   use   userfolder   Using   using   usr   usual   Virtual   virtual   Voodoo   way   Wed   what   where   which   wikiconfig   Wikiscript   with   without   work   workaround   working   wrapper   xr   yourname  

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/!\ Voodoo is not for newbies!

This page gives some nice but advanced tricks for a moin Apache setup. The directives on this page assume that you have knowledge about Apache configuration, newbies should stick to the basic setup.

Apache Root Wiki

/!\ This requires the Apache module "mod_rewrite" (which should be standard)

An Apache root wiki is easy, but it has limitations. Since moin needs to access certain static files (images, css, etc.), it intercepts a part of the possible WikiName namespace.

  1. Install moin as normal.
  2. Add the following lines to your VirtualHost config:

    •   RewriteEngine On
        RewriteLogLevel 0
        # Point to moin shared static files - DEPENDS ON MOIN VERSION!
        RewriteRule ^/moin_static160/(.*)$ /prefix/share/moin/htdocs/$1 [last]
        # Map everything else to moin cgi script
        RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /path/to/moin.cgi$1 [type=application/x-httpd-cgi]
        # Setting for FastCGI
        ##RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /path/to/moin.fcg$1 [type=application/x-httpd-fcgi]

The RewriteRule for FastCGI here does not work for me:

[Wed Jan 05 01:43:41 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/apache/moin/wiki/share/moin/pw/moin.fcg/RecentChanges, referer: http://moin.dahoam/StartSeite
duplo:/home/danielt# ls /home/apache/moin/wiki/share/moin/pw/moin.fcg
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  www  1088 Jan  4 23:35 /home/apache/moin/wiki/share/moin/pw/moin.fcg*

As a workaround I use this:

  RewriteRule ^/?(.*) /_Wikiscript_/moin.fcg/$1
  RewriteRule ^/_Wikiscript_/(.*) /home/apache/moin/wiki/share/moin/pw/$1 [last]

Root wiki on Mac OSX

/!\ This configuration intercepts all userfolder URLs like and offers a blank wiki page instead, so these instructions are offered as an exercise only. There may be a way around this problem but I don't know what it is.

Using the previous information on the moin OS X installation, you end up with a virtual host block like this:

<VirtualHost *>
   ServerName Gnarlodious
   Alias /moin_static160/ /usr/local/share/moin/htdocs/
   ScriptAlias /mywiki /usr/local/share/moin/mywiki/moin.cgi
   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteRule ^/moin_static160/(.*)$ /usr/local/share/moin/htdocs/$1 [last]
   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /usr/local/share/moin/mywiki/moin.cgi$1 [type=application/x-httpd-cgi]

Remove the following <IfModule mod_alias.c> directives added on this page, as they are now redundant:

    Alias /moin_static160/ "/moinwiki/share/moin/htdocs/"
    ScriptAlias /mywiki "/moinwiki/share/moin/mywiki/moin.cgi"

Now restart Apache. You should be able to open a URL like

Root wiki with mod python recipe

Using the above example, I got this working like this:

  1. Install moin as usual and create instance
  2. Use this config in httpd.conf
    • NameVirtualHost
          ServerName wiki.nirs.dyndns.org
          ServerAlias wiki
          # Rewrite urls
          RewriteEngine On
          RewriteLogLevel 0
          # map static files to htdocs
          RewriteRule ^/moin_static160/(.*)$ /usr/share/moin/htdocs/$1 [last]
          # map everything else to server script
          RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /usr/share/moin/mywiki/moinmodpy.py$1
          <Directory "/usr/share/moin/mywiki">
              # These are copied from the default cgi-bin directory
              AllowOverride None
              Options None
              Order allow,deny
              Allow from all
              # Modpy stuff
              AddHandler python-program .py
              # Add the path to the wiki directory, where moinmodpy.py and 
              # wikiconfig.py are located.
              PythonPath "['/usr/share/moin/mywiki'] + sys.path"
              PythonHandler moinmodpy
              PythonDebug On 

(!) It seems to be impossible to get a root modpy wiki without using the moinmodpy wrapper script.