Le seguenti 189 parole non sono state trovate nel dizionario di 1275 termini (includendo 1275 LocalSpellingWords) e sono evidenziate qui sotto:
additional   Adjacent   admin   align   aligned   Alignment   Alternatively   always   angle   Apart   append   appending   at   attachment   Attributes   attributes   background   be   Between   between   bgcolor   blue   boldred   both   bottom   brackets   breaks   Bulleted   but   by   can   cell   Cell   cell2   cells   center   centered   centering   class   color   Colors   colspan   columns   combined   comma   complex   conflicting   containing   csvparser   default   definitions   directly   Display   does   E0   effect   Example   explicit   extend   F0000   F80   F8080   file   following   font   Fonts   For   for   formatted   from   General   generated   get   green   his   id   If   include   Include   indent   information   inlined   Insert   into   Just   last   layout   left   level   like   Line   line   lines   lists   macro   Macro   Macros   many   marker   markers   middle   Mini   more   narrow   need   normal   number   old   On   on   one   only   options   or   over   own   parameter   Parsers   placed   png   possible   Preferences   put   red   refer   repeat   right   row   rowbgcolor   rowclass   rows   rowspan   rowstyle   same   see   separated   separating   set   several   since   so   sources   spanning   Spanning   spans   still   stuff   style   styling   support   table   Table   tablebgcolor   tableclass   tables   tablestyle   tablewidth   tag   td   text   than   that   theme   There   there   those   time   to   To   top   tr   use   User   user   users   using   valid   values   vertical   via   We   weight   wide   width   will   wins   with   within   writing  

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Table Markup

To create a table, you start and end a line using the table marker "||". Between those start and end markers, you can create any number of cells by separating them with "||". To get a centered cell that spans several columns, you start that cell with more than one cell marker. Adjacent lines of the same indent level containing table markup are combined into one table.

For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing.

Table Attributes

Apart from the option to repeat cell markers to get columns spanning several other columns, you can directly set many HTML table attributes. Any attributes have to be placed between angle brackets <...> directly after the cell marker.

The wiki-like markup has the following options:

  • <-2>: colspan

  • <|2>: rowspan

  • <style="..."> will put that style info into cell (td) html

  • <rowstyle="..."> will put that style info into row (tr) html

  • <tablestyle="..."> will put that style info into table (table) html

  • <class="..."> will put that CSS class into cell (td) html

  • <rowclass="..."> will put that CSS class into row (tr) html

  • <tableclass="..."> will put that class into table (table) html

  • <id="..."> will put that CSS id into cell (td) html

The style stuff is all you need for styling your tables. Just use CSS formatted style there and it will be inlined in the generated HTML tag. Alternatively, the admin and the user (the admin in the theme file, the user via UserPreferences can extend moin's CSS by his own definitions, so users can refer to them using class or id. You can use several options at the same time by writing them one after the other within the same angle brackets (e.g. <tablestyle="..." rowstyle="..."> on the first cell, to set both the table-wide style and the first-row style).

We still support the old table markup, but generate the effect by appending additional values to the style parameter:

  • <50%>: cell width (will append width: 50%; to style)

  • <width="50%">: does the same

  • <tablewidth="100%">: set table width to 100% (only valid in first table row)

  • <(>: left aligned (will append text-alignleft; to style)

  • <:>: centered (will append text-aligncenter; to style)

  • <)>: right aligned (will append text-alignright; to style)

  • <^>: aligned to top (will append vertical-aligntop; to style)

  • <v>: aligned to bottom (will append vertical-alignbottom; to style)

  • <#XXXXXX>: background color (will append background-color: #XXXXXX; to style)

  • <bgcolor="#XXXXXX"> does the same

  • <rowbgcolor="#XXXXXX"> set row background color (only valid in first cell)

  • <tablebgcolor="#XXXXXX"> set table background color

If you use several conflicting options like <(:)>, the last option wins. There is no explicit option for vertical centering (middle), since that is always the default.


 NEW STYLE: General table layout and HTML like options::
 ||||||<tablestyle="width: 80%">'''Heading'''||
 ||cell 1||cell2||cell 3||
 ||<rowspan=2> spanning rows||||<style="background-color: #E0E0FF;"> spanning 2 columns||
 ||<rowstyle="background-color: #FFFFE0;">cell2||cell 3||
 Cell width::
 || narrow ||<style="width: 99%; text-align: center;"> wide ||
 Spanning rows and columns::
 ||<|2> 2 rows || row 1 ||
 || row 2 ||
 ||<-2> row 3 over 2 columns ||
 ||<style="text-align: left;">left ||<style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|3> top ||<style="vertical-align: bottom;"|3> bottom ||
 ||<style="text-align: center;"> centered ||
 ||<style="text-align: right;"> right ||
 || normal ||<style="font-weight: bold;"> bold ||<style="color: #FF0000;"> red ||<style="color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;"> boldred ||
 ||<style="background-color: red;"> red ||<style="background-color: green;"> green ||<style="background-color: blue;"> blue ||

 OLD STYLE: General table layout and HTML like options::
 ||cell 1||cell2||cell 3||
 ||<rowspan=2> spanning rows||||<bgcolor="#E0E0FF"> spanning 2 columns||
 ||<rowbgcolor="#FFFFE0">cell2||cell 3||
 Cell width::
 || narrow ||<:99%> wide ||
 Spanning rows and columns::
 ||<|2> 2 rows || row 1 ||
 || row 2 ||
 ||<-2> row 3 over 2 columns ||
 ||<(> left ||<^|3> top ||<v|3> bottom ||
 ||<:> centered ||
 ||<)> right ||
 ||<#FF8080> red ||<#80FF80> green ||<#8080FF> blue ||
 Line breaks within cells::
 || line 1[[BR]]line 2||


NEW STYLE: General table layout and HTML like options
  • Heading

    cell 1


    cell 3

    spanning rows

    spanning 2 columns


    cell 3

  • Cell width
  • narrow


  • Spanning rows and columns
  • 2 rows

    row 1

    row 2

    row 3 over 2 columns

  • Alignment
  • left





  • Fonts
  • normal




  • Colors
  • red



  • OLD STYLE: General table layout and HTML like options
  • Heading

    cell 1


    cell 3

    spanning rows

    spanning 2 columns


    cell 3

  • Cell width
  • narrow


  • Spanning rows and columns
  • 2 rows

    row 1

    row 2

    row 3 over 2 columns

  • Alignment
  • left





  • Colors
  • red



  • Line breaks within cells
  • line 1
    line 2

  • Insert Table Data from other sources

    Bulleted lists and other complex content within cells
