Le seguenti 74 parole non sono state trovate nel dizionario di 1275 termini (includendo 1275 LocalSpellingWords) e sono evidenziate qui sotto:
adjusted   another   avoid   between   by   byte   cache   Cache   compatibility   compatible   compile   compileall   current   default   deleting   dir   does   done   elsewhere   Empty   empty   example   faster   files   for   grant   hand   If   import   installation   installed   interpreter   into   issues   keep   lib   Location   mind   move   needed   new   packages   packeges   page   path   precompiled   problem   problems   process   pyc   python   python2   recompile   reinstall   rendering   running   scripts   setup   should   some   step   sys   that   there   this   to   To   underlay   Updating   use   uses   usr   versions   want  

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Updating Python

If you want to change the Python running your MoinMoin installation there are some issues to keep in mind:

Location of the MoinMoin directory

The default installation process (setup.py) installed the MoinMoin files into the site-packages directory of the current Python installation (for example /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages). If you move to another Python interpreter you must reinstall the MoinMoin files into the new lib/pythonX.X/site-packeges directory. If you installed the MoinMoin files elsewhere and adjusted sys.path this is not a problem.

The precompiled Python files (.pyc)

Python does not grant that .pyc files are compatible between Python versions. If you change the Python interpreter you should recompile the Python scripts. You may use

python -c "import compileall; compileall.compile_dir('/path/to/MoinMoin')"

for this. If you reinstall MoinMoin for the new interpreter the step is not needed/done by setup.py.

Empty Page Cache

The page cache uses Python byte code for faster page rendering. To avoid compatibility problems you should empty the cache by hand by deleting all files in data/pages/*/cache/ and underlay/pages/*/cache/.