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Differenze per "NewsInEnglish"

Differenze tra le versioni 2 e 5 (in 3 versioni)
Versione 2 del 2007-06-13 11:03:33
Dimensione: 559
Autore: ClauzClauz
Versione 5 del 2007-07-17 08:17:34
Dimensione: 833
Autore: ClauzClauz
Le cancellazioni sono segnalate in questo modo. Le aggiunte sono segnalate in questo modo.
Linea 11: Linea 11:
=== 07/2007 Save c-base! ===

Save [ c-base], one of the centers of the (not only) wireless Berliner culture. It might close at the end of July, if it doesn't recieve enough donations.

##include stop
Linea 17: Linea 25:


News in this page are automatically included in FrontPage. See also ["News"] (in italian)


07/2007 Save c-base!

Save [ c-base], one of the centers of the (not only) wireless Berliner culture. It might close at the end of July, if it doesn't recieve enough donations.

13/06/2007: B.A.T.M.A.N. 0.2 released

Version 0.2 of B.A.T.M.A.N. has been released. To celebrate: release party Wednesday 20th of June at c-base (Berlin).

05/06/2007: wiki updated

Wiki software updated at version 1.5.8.