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=== 20/02/2008: WNDW second edition === The second edition of [http://wndw.net/ Wireless Networking in the Developing World] is out! === 01/2008: ninux firmware 8.01 === Released version 8.01 (ubuntu versioning style) of the [wiki:self:FirmwareNinux ninux firmware], i.e. Openwrt Kamikaze with ninux.org's customizations. ##include stop === 07/01/2008: new mapserver === The community has a new WNMap mapserver: http://map.ninux.org === 15/09/2007: Hackmeeting 2007 === From the 28th to the 30th of September ninux.org will be present at the hackmeeting: http://www.hackmeeting.org See you at Pisa! attachment:News/manifesto.jpg |
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News in this page are automatically included in FrontPage. See also ["News"] (in italian)
20/02/2008: WNDW second edition
The second edition of [http://wndw.net/ Wireless Networking in the Developing World] is out!
01/2008: ninux firmware 8.01
Released version 8.01 (ubuntu versioning style) of the [wiki:self:FirmwareNinux ninux firmware], i.e. Openwrt Kamikaze with ninux.org's customizations.
07/01/2008: new mapserver
The community has a new WNMap mapserver: http://map.ninux.org
15/09/2007: Hackmeeting 2007
From the 28th to the 30th of September ninux.org will be present at the hackmeeting:
See you at Pisa!
30/07/2007: FusoLab connected
FusoLab has been connected (IP address to the [wiki:OLSRTopology ninux.org network]! FusoLab is the center of many cultural activities in Rome, such as the Internet radio [http://www.fusoradio.net/ Fusoradio].
Video: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=p1TB4KJ60ys
07/2007 Save c-base!
Save [http://www.c-base.org/ c-base], one of the centers of the (not only) wireless Berliner culture. It might close at the end of July, if it doesn't recieve enough donations.
13/06/2007: B.A.T.M.A.N. 0.2 released
Version 0.2 of B.A.T.M.A.N. has been released. To celebrate: release party Wednesday 20th of June at c-base (Berlin).
05/06/2007: wiki updated
Wiki software updated at version 1.5.8.