Le seguenti 231 parole non sono state trovate nel dizionario di 1275 termini (includendo 1275 LocalSpellingWords) e sono evidenziate qui sotto:
able   about   accommodates   across   adding   address   Adjustment   advanced   advantage   aim   aims   allow   always   amount   Another   assigned   Attitude   auto   backport   Barrier   barriers   baseline   be   because   believe   best   binaries   both   Breaker   building   built   burden   but   By   by   can   carefully   case   cases   community   Community   concerning   configuration   configurations   configured   configuring   constraints   Cosenza   cost   custom   decreases   deployed   described   designed   desire   development   device   devices   Devices   distribution   documentation   Driven   duplication   embedded   employ   encourage   entry   equipment   etc   eventually   every   expanding   experience   facilities   fashion   Feature   featured   features   firmware   flash   for   frequently   friendly   from   front   fully   fun   gain   ground   Ground   grow   hand   handful   having   help   hlcs   hope   How   include   increases   instance   island   Italian   its   Its   kernel   known   leaf   learn   learned   least   let   limiting   little   long   lot   maintainer   maintenance   make   many   mastering   might   models   most   network   networking   Ninu   Ninucs   node   nodes   now   official   on   only   operating   Optimized   optimized   or   order   our   Our   out   part   particular   patches   people   possible   practices   pre   principles   programming   project   provide   providing   purchase   purpose   quality   quirks   radios   range   ready   recipes   recompile   reference   requested   requires   right   router   routing   Routing   Selected   selected   Set   should   simple   Simply   simply   skill   so   So   some   source   specific   specifically   started   strongly   such   supernode   Support   support   supported   supporting   system   technical   that   their   then   they   things   think   this   through   thus   to   To   topics   tree   understand   understanding   unnecessary   us   use   useful   user   very   want   We   we   well   whatever   which   While   whole   wide   will   wireless   with   without   working   writing   Wrt  

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NinucsWrt is a distribution of the embedded network operating system OpenWrt specifically optimized to be deployed on the nodes of the Italian wireless community network Ninux.org. Its development started from the Ninux.org Cosenza "island" (NinuCS).

We strongly believe that the only entry barriers to a community network should be the understanding of its principles and the desire to be a part of that community, and not such things as the mastering of advanced networking. So our core aim is to provide a fully-featured network operating system for Ninux.org that requires the least possible amount of technical skill to employ.

Other aims of this project, in no particular order:

* Have fun and learn a lot!

We started this project not only because We think it might be useful to many, but also out of desire to learn about topics in advanced networking, OpenWrt facilities, the Linux kernel, maintenance best practices and programming.

* Selected Devices Support

While We understand people might want to use whatever device they have in hand right now (in which case you will always be able to simply recompile NinucsWrt for your device), We will only provide ready-to-flash binaries for a handful of selected devices, which we believe accommodates for a wide range of use cases without adding unnecessary duplication and maintenance burden.

We learned that a lot of devices have their very specific quirks to address, for instance through out-of-tree or backport patches, or custom configurations. Simply supporting every device OpenWrt has support for increases maintenance cost and thus decreases maintenance quality across the whole range for very little gain. By providing binaries only for carefully-selected devices we hope to encourage the purchase of well-known and well-working and open source-friendly network equipment. Another advantage in limiting official support is that we can (let the user base grow first) have assigned maintainer(s) to specific devices.

* Optimized for Ground Routing

NinucsWrt is designed to provide the best experience for nodes having a "ground routing" configuration, as described in the Ninux Ground Routing HowTo. It will eventually provide pre-configured ground routing for all the supported models and then auto-configuring ground routing with some purpose-built front-end for both the router and the radios. Also, with NinucsWrt we want to provide a baseline, reference firmware for writing documentation concerning ground routing. Our aim is to make as simple as possible to help expanding Ninux.org by building a supernode (or expanding a leaf node).

* Community-Driven Feature Set

As long as technical constraints allow us to do so, we will include the most frequently requested features in the most user-friendly possible fashion (pre-configured, auto-configuring, recipes, etc).


README: http://ninux.hlcs.it/NinucsWrt/README.txt