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← Versione 3 del 2008-03-18 17:27:57 ⇥
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Commento: converted to 1.6 markup
Le cancellazioni sono segnalate in questo modo. | Le aggiunte sono segnalate in questo modo. |
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1. Our aim is the creation of a [wiki:WikiPedia:MANET MANET] for experimentation, communication and fun. | 1. Our aim is the creation of a [[WikiPedia:MANET|MANET]] for experimentation, communication and fun. |
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2. We declare part of a global interconnection process, as expressed in the [wiki:Self:WirelessCommonsManifesto Wireless Commons Manifesto]. | 2. We declare part of a global interconnection process, as expressed in the [[WirelessCommonsManifesto|Wireless Commons Manifesto]]. |
ninux.org manifesto
1. Our aim is the creation of a MANET for experimentation, communication and fun.
2. We declare part of a global interconnection process, as expressed in the Wireless Commons Manifesto.
3. We think that unlicensed spectrum should be free and open to everybody in every part of the World.
4. We claim our right to interconnect and experiment free from political and commercial exploitation.
5. Taking the Internet as a model, we think that the decentralized structure is the most suited to realize what is expressed in the points above.
NinuxOrgManifesto (in Italian)