Le seguenti 61 parole non sono state trovate nel dizionario di 1275 termini (includendo 1275 LocalSpellingWords) e sono evidenziate qui sotto:
accept   adhoc   bgscan   bssid   channel   commit   config   Debug   delete   device   disable   disabled   dns   dnsmasq   enable   encryption   etc   firewall   gateway   get   Hna4   hostname   If   iface   init   interface   Interface   Ip   ipaddr   kernel   lan   Level   library   Load   mdns   mode   netaddr   netmask   network   none   Olsr   olsrd   Plugin   proto   rm   set   so   ssid   static   stop   sysctl   system   touch   txtinfo   type   uci   Uci   wifi   wireless   wlan   zioprotowrt  

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Ninux Uci Script

set -a

/etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq disable

/etc/init.d/firewall stop
/etc/init.d/firewall disable



sysctl -w kernel.hostname=$HOSTNAME
uci set system.@system[0].hostname=$HOSTNAME

DEVICE=`uci get wireless.@wifi-iface[0].device`
uci delete wireless.$DEVICE.disabled

#disable default bridge on lan
uci delete network.lan.type

#TODO: move this config to variables on top of script
uci set network.lan.proto=static
uci set network.lan.ipaddr=$LANIP
uci set network.lan.netmask=$LANMASK
uci set network.lan.gateway=$LANGW
uci set network.lan.dns=

#TODO: move this config to variables on top of script
uci set network.wlan=interface
uci set network.wlan.proto=static
uci set network.wlan.ipaddr=$WLANIP
uci set network.wlan.netmask=

uci set wireless.$DEVICE.channel=$CHANNEL
uci set wireless.$DEVICE.disabled=0
#uci set wireless.$DEVICE.txpower=20

uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].network=wlan
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].mode=adhoc
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid=$ESSID
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].encryption=none
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].bgscan=0
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].bssid=$BSSID
rm /etc/config/olsrd
touch /etc/config/olsrd
uci add olsrd olsrd
uci set olsrd.@olsrd[0].IpVersion=4
uci set olsrd.@olsrd[0].DebugLevel=0
uci add olsrd LoadPlugin
uci set olsrd.@LoadPlugin[0]=LoadPlugin
uci set olsrd.@LoadPlugin[0].library=olsrd_txtinfo.so.0.1
uci set olsrd.@LoadPlugin[0].accept=""
uci add olsrd Interface
uci set olsrd.@Interface[0]=Interface
uci set olsrd.@Interface[0].interface=wlan
uci add olsrd Hna4
uci set olsrd.@Hna4[-1].netaddr=$LANNET
uci set olsrd.@Hna4[-1].netmask=$LANMASK
uci set olsrd.@LoadPlugin[0]=LoadPlugin
uci set olsrd.@LoadPlugin[0].library=olsrd_mdns.so.1.0.0
uci set olsrd.@LoadPlugin[0].NonOlsrIf=lan

uci commit

[ -x /etc/init.d/olsrd ] && /etc/init.d/olsrd enable