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[get | view ] (2011-10-27 18:18:29, 3393.3 KB) [[attachment:2011 Open Terni Festival - Saverio ZioPRoTo - Nagios.pdf]] [get | view ] (2012-06-17 15:33:33, 3500.0 KB) [[attachment:2011 Open Terni Festival - Saverio ZioPRoTo - Nagios.ppt]] [get | view ] (2011-11-10 11:22:42, 1219.5 KB) [[attachment:20111110_Roma_Digital_divide_v03.pdf]] [get | view ] (2014-10-26 12:05:22, 10294.6 KB) [[attachment:2014 LinuxDay Sicilia]] [get | view ] (2014-10-26 12:16:21, 10294.6 KB) [[attachment:2014_LinuxDay_Sicilia.rar]] [get | view ] (2012-06-17 15:34:21, 9962.0 KB) [[attachment:Camerino Security Date 2009 Ninux.ppt]] [get | view ] (2012-06-17 15:34:37, 6648.5 KB) [[attachment:Camerino Security Dates 2010.ppt]] [get | view ] (2009-06-09 11:02:36, 10664.1 KB) [[attachment:CamerinoSecurityDate2009Ninux.pdf]] [get | view ] (2013-02-19 18:49:32, 245.0 KB) [[attachment:Digital-Mass-4-Python.pdf]] [get | view ] (2015-02-22 14:22:42, 517.5 KB) [[attachment:FlyerNinuxCalabria.pdf]] [get | view ] (2015-02-22 14:23:17, 360.4 KB) [[attachment:FlyerNinuxCalabria4p.pdf]] [get | view ] (2014-02-26 19:02:40, 106.9 KB) [[attachment:GPG-PGP-20140225-Presentazione_Pink.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-05-21 10:59:37, 2178.0 KB) [[attachment:GSoc2010Freimap.pdf]] [get | view ] (2012-12-20 15:14:58, 3434.5 KB) [[attachment:Git 8 dicembre 2012.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-07-27 10:34:04, 6854.3 KB) [[attachment:HM0x0D.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-07-14 09:00:09, 4784.6 KB) [[attachment:HM0x0DIPv6.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-05-21 10:53:57, 10529.8 KB) [[attachment:HM0x0DWarmup.odp]] [get | view ] (2010-05-21 10:54:12, 7210.1 KB) [[attachment:HM0x0DWarmup.pdf]] [get | view ] (2007-11-01 10:25:06, 1025.2 KB) [[attachment:LD2007TV.pdf]] [get | view ] (2013-01-22 16:56:48, 1474.2 KB) [[attachment:Lejos_ un progetto opensource per l'unione tra Lego Mindstorms e Java - 20 gennaio 2013.pdf]] [get | view ] (2008-10-25 17:53:02, 6760.4 KB) [[attachment:Linux Day 2008 Roma.pdf]] [get | view ] (2008-10-25 14:04:23, 5498.6 KB) [[attachment:Linux Day 2008 Viterbo.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-10-24 14:57:12, 9581.0 KB) [[attachment:LinuxDay2010Terni.ppt]] [get | view ] (2009-10-25 03:33:19, 5974.4 KB) [[attachment:LinuxDayRoma2009_ninux.pdf]] [get | view ] (2015-05-15 13:45:31, 539.5 KB) [[attachment:NetJSON-talk-0.1.pdf]] [get | view ] (2014-09-08 16:33:32, 5732.1 KB) [[attachment:Ninux-20140830-Presentazione_EndSummerCamp-reveal.js.pdf]] [get | view ] (2008-10-01 16:01:18, 5554.2 KB) [[ - MOCA 2008 - Gestione di una Wireless Community Network.pdf]] [get | view ] (2012-06-17 15:32:34, 8628.3 KB) [[attachment:NinuxAcademy2011.odp]] [get | view ] (2010-12-01 17:06:50, 9277.2 KB) [[attachment:NinuxIGF2010.pdf]] [get | view ] (2011-11-30 12:36:53, 564.4 KB) [[attachment:NinuxNewNodeFirmwareFlash.pdf]] [get | view ] (2013-10-28 21:46:00, 1414.7 KB) [[attachment:NinuxReteComune.pdf]] [get | view ] (2014-10-27 12:03:18, 921.5 KB) [[attachment:NinuxVerona-20141025-Presentazione_LinuxDay2014-Officina_S3-reveal.js.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-11-29 12:43:36, 9956.2 KB) [[attachment:Ninux_Firenze_ottobre_2010_festival_innovazione.pdf]] [get | view ] (2009-06-09 10:48:18, 5908.6 KB) [[attachment:OLSRmDNSpluginWCW2009.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-04-26 07:24:50, 5909.4 KB) [[attachment:OpenCamp 2010 Ninux.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-04-26 07:37:12, 5853.0 KB) [[attachment:OpenCamp 2010 Ninux.ppt]] [get | view ] (2010-10-24 11:11:20, 806.1 KB) [[attachment:OpenWrt_ld10.pdf]] [get | view ] (2012-01-23 16:47:02, 1017.0 KB) [[attachment:PGPCrittografiaPerTutti.pdf]] [get | view ] (2007-10-01 23:10:45, 1940.4 KB) [[attachment:PresentazioneHackmeeting2007Ninux.pdf]] [get | view ] (2014-11-02 12:45:50, 15034.1 KB) [[attachment:PresentazioneLiberaInformatica2014.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-05-21 10:58:06, 342.4 KB) [[attachment:Radiomate0.pdf]] [get | view ] (2011-11-10 11:26:07, 3170.6 KB) [[attachment:Reti Comunitare - Una soluzione al digital divide 10 novembre 2011 def.pdf]] [get | view ] (2013-04-07 09:18:59, 6916.7 KB) [[attachment:Reti Comunitarie - Milano.odp]] [get | view ] (2013-04-07 09:16:44, 2056.4 KB) [[attachment:Reti Comunitarie - Milano.pdf]] [get | view ] (2012-06-24 20:13:23, 81.6 KB) [[attachment:Reti Comunitarie- dall'Utopia alla Realtà .odp]] [get | view ] (2013-01-17 23:29:19, 5243.8 KB) [[attachment:Reti-Pubbliche-Comunitarie.odp]] [get | view ] (2013-01-17 23:23:28, 2256.2 KB) [[attachment:Reti-Pubbliche-Comunitarie.pdf]] [get | view ] (2011-12-18 13:31:01, 8977.8 KB) [[attachment:Roma2LUG.pdf]] [get | view ] (2012-01-17 12:14:29, 9407.0 KB) [[attachment:Roma2LUG.ppt]] [get | view ] (2012-06-17 15:32:52, 840.0 KB) [[attachment:SLM e Nagios v2.odp]] [get | view ] (2011-05-09 08:26:26, 367.0 KB) [[attachment:SLM+Nagios.pdf]] [get | view ] (2007-10-17 18:36:57, 4597.5 KB) [[attachment:TuscoloMeshLD2006_v2.pdf]] [get | view ] (2013-01-11 09:34:16, 357.7 KB) [[attachment:VPN RiseUp.odp]] [get | view ] (2013-03-27 17:12:26, 846.5 KB) [[attachment:WorkshopRuby.pdf]] [get | view ] (2007-10-17 18:35:45, 110.9 KB) [[attachment:berlinww.pdf]] [get | view ] (2007-10-17 18:40:00, 3761.1 KB) [[]] [get | view ] (2014-05-16 15:16:21, 990.1 KB) [[attachment:citysdk-nodeshot-battlemesh-v7.pdf]] [get | view ] (2014-11-20 21:43:25, 5517.2 KB) [[attachment:community-networks-utopia2realta-2014.pdf]] [get | view ] (2013-02-19 19:05:23, 886.0 KB) [[attachment:diveintopython-it.pdf]] [get | view ] (2014-06-15 10:10:59, 1112.5 KB) [[attachment:django-hstore @ Django Village 2014.pdf]] [get | view ] (2013-05-29 13:23:27, 1627.3 KB) [[attachment:eigenNet-presentazione-exploit-23-05-2013.pdf]] [get | view ] (2012-11-05 11:01:10, 1430.9 KB) [[attachment:eigenNet-presentazione-linuxday2012.pdf]] [get | view ] (2013-10-29 13:53:11, 2282.1 KB) [[attachment:eigenNet-presentazione-linuxday2013.pdf]] [get | view ] (2013-10-28 21:31:29, 17059.3 KB) [[attachment:ing2013-slides.pdf]] [get | view ] (2013-10-28 21:36:40, 18485.8 KB) [[attachment:ld2013.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-11-29 12:39:53, 9093.6 KB) [[attachment:linux_day_firenze_2010_ninux.pdf]] [get | view ] (2014-10-27 10:16:35, 7073.4 KB) [[attachment:linuxday2014lecce.pdf]] [get | view ] (2012-10-26 07:47:16, 5810.1 KB) [[attachment:linuxday_rm-2012.pdf]] [get | view ] (2007-10-17 18:41:17, 949.0 KB) [[attachment:linuxday_wireless_mesh_routing.pdf]] [get | view ] (2007-10-17 18:43:45, 319.8 KB) [[attachment:mainstreetfestival3doppio.jpg]] [get | view ] (2007-10-17 18:52:22, 5576.6 KB) [[attachment:mainstreetfestival3doppio.tif]] [get | view ] (2012-10-05 10:50:42, 17096.7 KB) [[attachment:minds2012.pdf]] [get | view ] (2014-05-14 21:15:39, 217.1 KB) [[attachment:netengine-battlemesh-v7.pdf]] [get | view ] (2008-03-16 17:12:10, 535.4 KB) [[]] [get | view ] (2008-03-16 17:06:47, 808.7 KB) [[]] [get | view ] (2007-10-17 19:23:04, 1580.7 KB) [[]] [get | view ] (2008-05-03 19:13:10, 48.6 KB) [[]] [get | view ] (2008-05-03 19:13:23, 178.5 KB) [[]] [get | view ] (2011-05-22 10:12:31, 19425.4 KB) [[attachment:ninuxacademy2011zioproto.pdf]] [get | view ] (2011-10-22 19:41:39, 511.7 KB) [[attachment:nodeshot-open-terni-festival-2011.pdf]] [get | view ] (2007-05-08 12:10:20, 1331.7 KB) [[attachment:obampslideswcw2007.pdf]] [get | view ] (2012-03-30 14:00:32, 291.2 KB) [[attachment:radiomate1.odp]] [get | view ] (2012-03-30 14:00:15, 428.1 KB) [[attachment:radiomate1.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-10-22 18:43:02, 6256.5 KB) [[attachment:scapyLD2010.odp]] [get | view ] (2010-10-22 18:43:47, 4396.3 KB) [[attachment:scapyLD2010.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-05-12 14:33:16, 3626.9 KB) [[attachment:seminariosabazialugMeshConLinux.odp]] [get | view ] (2010-05-12 14:33:02, 1312.0 KB) [[attachment:seminariosabazialugMeshConLinux.pdf]] [get | view ] (2010-04-27 17:08:26, 17449.8 KB) [[attachment:seminariosabazialugPinguinoNelRouter.odp]] [get | view ] (2010-04-27 17:07:53, 12754.1 KB) [[attachment:seminariosabazialugPinguinoNelRouter.pdf]] [get | view ] (2013-04-17 06:53:34, 1180.8 KB) [[attachment:slideAndroid.pdf]] [get | view ] (2008-05-07 12:59:17, 2498.7 KB) [[attachment:talkld06.odp]] [get | view ] (2007-10-17 19:25:37, 1495.9 KB) [[attachment:talkld06.pdf]] [get | view ] (2012-10-05 10:50:26, 19596.5 KB) [[attachment:tog2012.odp]] [get | view ] (2012-10-05 10:50:09, 9370.5 KB) [[attachment:tog2012.pdf]] [get | view ] (2009-07-01 14:28:17, 82.4 KB) [[attachment:volantino.png]] [get | view ] (2010-04-26 07:48:34, 267.0 KB) [[attachment:wirelesscommunitynetworksintro.odp]] [get | view ] (2010-04-26 07:48:19, 453.0 KB) [[attachment:wirelesscommunitynetworksintro.pdf]] [get | view ] (2009-05-25 10:12:10, 319.6 KB) [[]] [get | view ] (2009-05-25 10:12:01, 1252.4 KB) [[]]