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Di che colore era il cavallo bianco di Napoleone?

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Quick Start

Welcome to New Ninux Member...and Orientation Guide

  • Hi,

we are glad you join to Ninux's a real pleasure. In this article we try to provide To you a quick orintation guide about what and where are the information sources.

Ninux Community offers you a various exchange and sharing services.... Please use it..and when you feel the desire to create or integrate these services, do it with us....

Ninux offers the following Issues:

  • Server Services (please see Services webpage)
  • Internet Sharing at the best effort. Support is NO mandatory...everyone tries to do his best when available
  • Education: Free Courses are available on Calendar... No cost, but if you can, please "donate" To the comunity
  • Laboratory Facilities: you can partecipate to sperimental activities with the Community
  • Social & Friendships: you can join to new friends and/social activities

  • Support weak People: you can try support people that need help
  • Events & parties: you are invited to partecipate to all events...come and invite other friend too....

  • ...and more and more....

Come to our Calandar Meetings for sharing and propose activites.

Thank you for your Support in Ninux Community.

See you soon in Ninux Community.

(Article posted on October 29th by AlePad)