Le seguenti 598 parole non sono state trovate nel dizionario di 1275 termini (includendo 1275 LocalSpellingWords) e sono evidenziate qui sotto:
abides   ability   able   about   abusive   According   achieve   achieved   acknowledge   acquire   across   act   action   activist   activists   address   addressed   adhere   administrations   administrators   affects   against   agreement   Agreement   agreements   aim   aimed   alike   allows   already   alternative   alternatives   although   always   analysis   Another   another   anti   appropriate   areas   arrangements   at   At   Austria   autonomous   autonomy   available   backbones   bandwidth   bargaining   be   begun   behavior   behaviors   being   believes   Benkler   Berlin   better   between   beyond   beyonders   big   blurs   borders   Boronat   both   bottlenecks   brought   build   Building   building   built   By   by   campaigning   can   cannot   carried   category   censor   challenge   challenges   characteristic   charge   choose   circles   citizen   citizens   civil   closed   Cogent   collective   collectively   comm   commercial   commercially   commitments   Commons   communicate   communication   communications   communities   Community   community   companies   compared   compete   competition   competitive   completely   concentration   concept   conflicting   conjunction   connect   connection   connections   connectivity   consumer   consumers   contribute   control   convert   cooperate   cooperation   copyleft   corruption   cost   counter   counteract   countries   created   creates   Croatia   currently   decentralized   defend   defined   definition   democratic   demonstrations   deployed   deployment   direct   direction   directly   disconnecting   discriminate   discrimination   disintermediation   dissatisfied   dissent   distinction   distributed   diverse   diversify   diversity   Diversity   done   down   drawn   drives   dynamics   economy   ecosystem   effort   either   elaborated   emancipatory   embody   emergence   empowering   endorsed   engage   enough   ensures   entity   equitably   escape   establish   established   establishing   establishment   ethical   even   eventually   every   exchanging   exclusively   exemplify   exerting   exist   existing   extending   extent   extortion   face   fall   favor   federates   Feuer   few   field   fight   filter   firms   focused   following   food   for   form   formal   formally   forms   Foundation   founding   Freedom   freedom   freedoms   Freifunk   from   From   fundamentally   Funk   gateway   gateways   generally   geographical   get   given   global   goal   goodwill   governance   grants   grassroots   grew   grow   growing   grown   Guifi   Hence   her   holders   households   how   however   idea   identifies   if   If   implementing   improve   incentive   inclusion   increase   incumbent   incumbents   Indeed   independence   independent   individual   individuals   infer   influence   infrastructure   infrastructures   initiated   insiders   institutions   interact   interacting   interception   interconnect   interconnection   interconnects   interest   interference   intermediaries   interplay   into   issue   join   keen   kind   labeling   lack   large   last   late   law   leads   least   legal   Lesser   Level   liberties   license   licenses   like   linking   local   locally   mainstream   make   makers   manage   manner   many   March   market   markets   matters   means   mechanisms   meet   member   members   might   Milan   mile   model   monitor   more   most   Mostly   movement   movements   Mr   much   multinational   need   net   network   Network   networked   networks   Neutral   neutrality   new   nonprofit   nor   Ns   number   objective   obtain   offer   offering   offerings   often   on   One   one   online   only   opaque   opening   openness   operate   operations   operator   operators   opposed   options   Or   or   order   ordering   organization   organize   organized   our   out   outside   outsiders   over   owned   Pablo   part   participative   party   pass   peer   peering   Peering   people   perhaps   pers   philosophy   Pico   place   point   policies   policy   political   politicians   poorest   possibility   possible   potential   potentially   power   pp   practice   practices   precisely   predatory   predictably   prefers   prefigurative   pressuring   previous   principles   private   problem   problems   process   produce   prohibitive   promote   promoting   properly   protect   protection   protests   provide   providers   provision   Ps   public   purport   purpose   puts   Pérez   qualify   questions   quo   range   reaching   realities   realm   reason   reciprocal   referring   reflections   refuse   regarded   regulation   regulators   relationship   reliable   rely   relying   remain   remaining   remix   replicate   replicating   resources   respond   rest   resurface   retain   reusable   risk   routing   rule   rural   said   same   scholars   sector   see   seeks   seen   self   sense   serve   services   set   sets   setting   settlement   several   share   should   show   simply   since   Slovenija   smaller   so   social   socio   solution   Some   some   sometimes   source   spanning   spawning   specific   speech   standpoint   starts   status   Stefania   strategies   strongly   structures   study   subscribers   substitute   subvert   such   Such   support   surveyed   system   systems   tactics   tech   technical   telecom   telecoms   than   that   That   their   themselves   thereby   therefore   these   they   They   things   third   this   This   those   threats   three   thrive   through   time   to   To   together   top   traditional   traffic   transit   transparent   transpose   true   turn   typical   typology   ultimately   up   Uplink   uplink   upstream   urban   use   value   values   various   viable   voicing   wage   way   ways   we   what   What   when   where   whereby   which   while   who   whole   why   wider   will   wireless   Wirelles   wise   with   within   without   Wlan   words   world   would   Yet  

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3. Community networks and new power dynamics in telecom infrastructures

If telecoms policy sets the goal of promoting individual and collective autonomy, what is to be done is the face of growing concentration threats? According to Benkler (2006), law should respond byimplementing policies that predictably diversify the set of options that all individuals are able to see as open to them’ (Benkler 2006, p. 152). In the field of communications, this is precisely what community networks can achieve, and the reason why they might subvert the political economy of Internet access.

3.1 The interplay between WCNs and telecom operators

From a political standpoint, following the typology of social movements drawn by Stefania Milan in her analysis of ‘emancipatory communication practices’, we can infer three ways by which community networks can act to counteract existing power dynamics in the telecoms sector.

One way is to address the issue from within the political system, as ‘insiders’, formally interacting with the power holders in order to make them support the deployment of community networks. Another solution is to fight the problem as ‘outsiders’, pressuring both regulators and incumbents from outside the political system, by means of protests, demonstrations and other campaigning tactics aimed at voicing dissent against the practices of commercial ISPs and against the lack of appropriate regulation for community networks.

Yet, most of the community networks we surveyed do not properly qualify as what social movement scholars define as ‘insiders’ (although they sometimes do interact with policy-makers), and much less as ‘outsiders’. Mostly, they fall within the third categorywhat Milan identifies as beyonders’. They acknowledge that law and regulation will always be late compared to practice and private ordering, and purport to influence the networked ecosystem by remaining beyond the political system. This objective is achieved by building self-organized, decentralized and citizen-owned communications networks and setting up alternative socio-political and technical arrangements as a substitute for the traditional top-down power dynamics typical of traditional institutions. As one member of Guifi.net puts it, ‘our community can show that we can do things in another way, more participative, ethical and transparent, without the extortion of big companies nor the corruption of politicians and opaque public administrations’ (Mr. Pablo Boronat Pérez, pers.comm., 28 March, 2014). In this sense, these networks are ‘prefigurative realitiesthat challenge the status quo and ultimately contribute to a new political order (Milan, 2013, pp.126-38): these networksbuiltfor the people, by the people’ – fundamentally embody a form of political action.

WCNs can also be regarded as a distributed counter-power to traditional telecoms operators since they have the potential of being a source of competition to mainstream commercial ISPs. As we have seen, WCN often provide better services than commercial alternatives. What is more, they adhere to specific ethical commitments and governance structures. As opposed to commercial providers, which are sometimes prohibitive cost-wise to the poorest households, and often engage in anti-competitive behavior against the interest of consumers, WCNs promote open and democratic values in governance, network neutrality and consumer protection. They aim for social inclusion and thrive to protect civil liberties. Hence, while they do not directly wage competition against traditional ISP, these nonprofit, community networks serve to increase diversity in the market for Internet access—thereby opening up the range of options available to citizens. This, in turn, affects the operations of commercial ISPs.

WCN also exemplify the process of disintermediation that is characteristic of many other social arrangements brought about by the Internet network. They show that people dissatisfied with commercial offerings can get together and cooperate to create independent grassroots network infrastructures, or simply join those that already exist. From locally-grown food to locally-grown networks, WCNs form part of a wider movement focused on empowering local communities to directly produce and manage the resources that matters the most to them.

At this point in time, however, and although they can be completely autonomous when they operate as closed local networks, WCN eventually rely on third-party intermediaries to connect with the global Internet network. Uplink Internet access is achieved by linking the local network to one or several ‘Internet gateways’ in charge of routing the traffic from and to global backbones. Here, potential bottlenecks resurface.

To obtain such an uplink to the Internet, community networks currently choose from a number of strategies. The first is to use upstream through traditional mainstream last-mile ISPs. Some WCN, like Freifunk in Berlin, prefers not to build any formal relationship with third party ISPs, and simply rely on the goodwill of community members (who are also subscribers of commercial ISPs) to share their commercial Internet connection so as to provide bandwidth and connectivity to the rest of the network. The same is true for Wlan Slovenija.

When relying exclusively on the uplink connections of mainstream ISPs to provide a gateway to the Internet is not possible, or perhaps simply not reliable enough, WCN must act as a legal entity to establish a commercial relationship with transit ISPs. The transit market is generally much more competitive than the mainstream last-mile Internet access markets. Lesser concentration creates a more diverse ecosystem where multinational firms, such as Cogent or Level 3, compete with smaller, local companies. Some of these smaller telecom companies grew out of tech activist circles as community networks, and are keen to offer support (to the extent that it is commercially viable). Diversity therefore drives both competition and cooperation, and allows grassroots community networks to escape the risk of abusive behaviors on the part of incumbent operators.

That being said, one cannot rule out the possibility of a transit operator exerting control over, and even disconnecting, a community network. To the extent that (in both urban and rural areas) a few large telecom operators retain the ability to filter, censor, monitor, and discriminate in online communications, or simply refuse to interconnect, the need for uplink leads to the emergence of new bottlenecks that replicate the problems that community networks aimed to address in the first place. To meet these challenges, some activists have begun to organize: the goal is for community networks to collectively acquire more independence and more bargaining power in the various markets in which they operate, and promote their philosophy in the face of the conflicting value systems of commercial telecom operators who might engage in predatory practices. Indeed, if a given grassroots community network strongly believes in the principles of freedom, openness and individual autonomy, how can it ensures that these principles are being endorsed by the network with which it interconnects to pass on Internet traffic? Or, in other words, how can a free (free as in ‘free’ speech) network remain such when it starts reaching beyond the local community that initiated it?

Such questions are being addressed by the Free Network Foundation (FNF)—a nonprofit organization created to support ‘free networks’—defined as any network that equitably grants the following freedoms to all: ‘Freedom to communicate for any purpose, without discrimination, interference, or interception; freedom to grow, improve, communicate across, and connect to the whole network; freedom to study, use, remix, and share any network communication mechanisms, in their most reusable forms.’ In conjunction with this definition and labeling effort, the FNF seeks to create a license for interconnection agreementswhereby the administrators of independent Internet networks make an agreement for the purpose of exchanging trafficreplicating the ‘share-alikeprovision characteristic of many copyleft licenses and free software licenses. Building on previous reflections, such as the “Pico Peering Agreementor the “Commons for Open Free & Neutral Networkelaborated by Guifi.net, the idea is to transpose this concept to the realm of networkpeering agreements’ (referring to settlement-free interconnection agreements), through the establishment of a ‘peer-alikeprovision that would favor free networks over non-free networks. By offering free transit only in exchange of reciprocal values, such a provision could act either as an incentive for non-free networks to convert into free networks, or (at least) as a way for community networks to build bargaining power and better defend themselves from predatory behaviors. This way, community networks could eventually provide a new model for interconnection, one that blurs the distinction between the backbone and the last-mile and federates networks in a decentralized manner, extending in every direction and potentially spawning over whole countries and even across borders. A first experiment of this kind was carried on in 2012, when community networks FunkFeuer from Austria, NEDWirelles from Croatia, and Wlan Slovenija established a wireless backbone spanning across geographical borders to create a direct link between them. As the number of WCNs deployed over the world grow, the potential for establishing a global and independent network infrastructure that abides to the founding principles of the Internet will also increase.