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OLSR daemon for MacOsX

Requirements: xCode (Lastest Version). You can download it from here

Download & Installation

Donwload source code from (click here)

You can also download it from a shell with:


Extract it with

tar -xzvf olsrd-0.6.0.tar.gz

cd olsrd-0.6.0

To build:


To install(as root):

make install

To make plugins (needed)

make libs

To install plugins

make install_libs

To delete object files run:

make clean

Optionally, to clean all generated files:

make uberclean

you can see the message:


========= C O N F I G U R A T I O N - F I L E ============
olsrd uses the configfile /etc/olsrd.conf


This means that you have to modify this file to run Olsrd Daemon.

vi /etc/olsrd.conf

This is the default config file of OLSR :

Put your olsr interfaces here in the config file:

Interface "<OLSRd-Interface1>" "<OLSRd-Interface2>"

# routing daemon config file

# This file contains the usual options for an ETX based
# stationary network without fisheye
# (for other options see olsrd.conf.default.full)
# Lines starting with a # are discarded
#### ATTENTION for IPv6 users ####
# Because of limitations in the parser IPv6 addresses must NOT
# begin with a ":", so please add a "0" as a prefix.

### Basic configuration ###
# keep this settings at the beginning of your first configuration file

# Debug level (0-9)

# If set to 0 the daemon runs in the background, unless "NoFork" is set to true

# (Default is 1)
# DebugLevel  1

# IP version to use (4 or 6)
# (Default is 4)

# IpVersion 4
### OLSRd agent configuration ###
# this parameters control the settings of the routing agent which are not
# related to the OLSR protocol and it's extensions
# FIBMetric controls the metric value of the host-routes OLSRd sets.
# - "flat" means that the metric value is always 2. This is the preferred value
#   because it helps the linux kernel routing to clean up older routes
# - "correct" use the hopcount as the metric value.
# - "approx" use the hopcount as the metric value too, but does only update the
#   hopcount if the nexthop changes too
# (Default is "flat")
# FIBMetric "flat"
### Linux specific OLSRd extensions ###
# these parameters are only working on linux at the moment, but might become
# useful on BSD in the future
# SrcIpRoutes tells OLSRd to set the Src flag of host routes to the originator-ip
# of the node. In addition to this an additional localhost device is created
# to make sure the returning traffic can be received.
# (Default is "no")
# SrcIpRoutes no
# Specify the proto tag to be used for routes olsr inserts into kernel
# currently only implemented for linux
# valid values under linux are 1 .. 254
# 1 gets remapped by olsrd to 0 UNSPECIFIED (1 is reserved for ICMP redirects)
# 2 KERNEL routes (not very wise to use)
# 3 BOOT (should in fact not be used by routing daemons)
# 8 .. 15 various routing daemons (gated, zebra, bird, & co)
# (defaults to 0 which gets replaced by an OS-specific default value
# under linux 3 (BOOT) (for backward compatibility)
# RtProto 0
# Activates (in IPv6 mode) the automatic use of NIIT
# (see README-Olsr-Extensions)
# (default is "yes")

# UseNiit yes

# Activates the smartgateway ipip tunnel feature.
# See README-Olsr-Extensions for a description of smartgateways.
# (default is "yes")

# SmartGateway yes

# Allows the selection of a smartgateway with NAT (only for IPv4)
# (default is "yes")

# SmartGatewayAllowNAT yes

# Defines what kind of Uplink this node will publish as a
# smartgateway. The existence of the uplink is detected by
# a route to, ::ffff:0:0/96 and/or 2000::/3.
# possible values are "none", "ipv4", "ipv6", "both"
# (default is "both")

# SmartGatewayUplink "both"

# Specifies if the local ipv4 uplink use NAT
# (default is "yes")

# SmartGatewayUplinkNAT yes

# Specifies the speed of the uplink in kilobit/s.
# First parameter is upstream, second parameter is downstream
# (default is 128/1024)

# SmartGatewaySpeed 128 1024

# Specifies the EXTERNAL ipv6 prefix of the uplink. A prefix
# length of more than 64 is not allowed.
# (default is 0::/0

# SmartGatewayPrefix 0::/0

### OLSR protocol settings ###
# HNA (Host network association) allows the OLSR to announce
# additional IPs or IP subnets to the net that are reachable
# through this node.
# Syntax for HNA4 is "network-address    network-mask"
# Syntax for HNA6 is "network-address    prefix-length"
# (default is no HNA)

# Internet gateway
# specific small networks reachable through this node

# Internet gateway
#   0::                     0
# specific small networks reachable through this node
#   fec0:2200:106:0:0:0:0:0 48

### OLSR protocol extensions ###
# Link quality algorithm (only for lq level 2)
# (see README-Olsr-Extensions)
# - "etx_float", a floating point  ETX with exponential aging
# - "etx_fpm", same as ext_float, but with integer arithmetic
# - "etx_ff" (ETX freifunk), an etx variant which use all OLSR
#   traffic (instead of only hellos) for ETX calculation
# - "etx_ffeth", an incompatible variant of etx_ff that allows

#   ethernet links with ETX 0.1.
# (defaults to "etx_ff")

# LinkQualityAlgorithm    "etx_ff"

# Fisheye mechanism for TCs (0 meansoff, 1 means on)
# (default is 1)

LinkQualityFishEye  0

### Example plugin configurations ###
# Olsrd plugins to load
# This must be the absolute path to the file
# or the loader will use the following scheme:
# - Try the paths in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#   environment variable.
# - The list of libraries cached in /etc/
# - /lib, followed by /usr/lib
# the examples in this list are for linux, so check if the plugin is
# available if you use windows/BSD.
# each plugin should have a README file in it's lib subfolder
# LoadPlugin "olsrd_txtinfo.dll"

LoadPlugin ""

 . # port number the txtinfo plugin will be listening, default 2006
#   PlParam     "port"   "81"
 . # ip address that can access the plugin, use "" # to allow everyone
 PlParam     "Accept"   ""

### OLSRD default interface configuration ###
# the default interface section can have the same values as the following
# interface configuration. It will allow you so set common options for all
# interfaces.

InterfaceDefaults {
 . # Ip4Broadcast

### OLSRd Interfaces configuration ###
# multiple interfaces can be specified for a single configuration block
# multiple configuration blocks can be specified
# WARNING, don't forget to insert your interface names here !
Interface "<OLSRd-Interface1>" "<OLSRd-Interface2>"


 . # Interface Mode is used to prevent unnecessary # packet forwarding on switched ethernet interfaces # valid Modes are "mesh" and "ether" # (default is "mesh") # Mode "mesh"


Save the file with

ESC + : + wq

Try to run olsr with

sudo olsrd -f /etc/olsrd.conf