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Differenze per "ucarp"

Differenze tra le versioni 4 e 6 (in 2 versioni)
Versione 4 del 2007-02-13 23:18:17
Dimensione: 2803
Autore: ac3bf1
Versione 6 del 2008-03-18 17:28:11
Dimensione: 2801
Autore: localhost
Commento: converted to 1.6 markup
Le cancellazioni sono segnalate in questo modo. Le aggiunte sono segnalate in questo modo.
Linea 1: Linea 1: [[BR]]
UCARP allows a couple of hosts to share common virtual IP addresses in order to provide automatic failover. It is a portable userland implementation of the secure and patent-free Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP, OpenBSD’s alternative to the patents-bloated VRRP). [[BR]]
Strong points of the CARP protocol are: very low overhead, cryptographically signed messages, interoperability between different operating systems and no need for any dedicated extra network link between redundant hosts. [[BR]]
Linux Flavor: Ubuntu [[BR]]
[[BR]] <<BR>>
UCARP allows a couple of hosts to share common virtual IP addresses in order to provide automatic failover. It is a portable userland implementation of the secure and patent-free Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP, OpenBSD’s alternative to the patents-bloated VRRP). <<BR>>
Strong points of the CARP protocol are: very low overhead, cryptographically signed messages, interoperability between different operating systems and no need for any dedicated extra network link between redundant hosts. <<BR>>
Linux Flavor: Ubuntu <<BR>>
Linea 16: Linea 16:
riavviare {{{networking}}} da {{{inet.d}}} con {{{/etc/init.d/networking restart}}} [[BR]]
dando il comando {{{ucarp --help}}} si hanno le seguenti informazioni:[[BR]]
riavviare {{{networking}}} da {{{inet.d}}} con {{{/etc/init.d/networking restart}}} <<BR>>
dando il comando {{{ucarp --help}}} si hanno le seguenti informazioni:<<BR>>
Linea 55: Linea 55:
in seguito avviare ucarp con: [[BR]] in seguito avviare ucarp con: <<BR>>
Linea 59: Linea 59:
per farlo partire all'avvio inserire la stringa in un file in {{{/etc/rc2.d/S99NomeFileDiAvvio}}} o creare uno script e chiamare lo script da {{{rc2.d/`S99NomeFileDiAvvio`}}} per esempio. per farlo partire all'avvio inserire la stringa in un file in {{{/etc/rc2.d/S99NomeFileDiAvvio}}} o creare uno script e chiamare lo script da {{{rc2.d/S99NomeFileDiAvvio}}} per esempio.
UCARP allows a couple of hosts to share common virtual IP addresses in order to provide automatic failover. It is a portable userland implementation of the secure and patent-free Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP, OpenBSD’s alternative to the patents-bloated VRRP).
Strong points of the CARP protocol are: very low overhead, cryptographically signed messages, interoperability between different operating systems and no need for any dedicated extra network link between redundant hosts.

Linux Flavor: Ubuntu

Per far girare UCARP su Debian/Ubuntu, bisogna creare un'interfaccia virtuale. Per fare cio basta inserire in /etc/network/interfaces qualcosa simile a:

# Virtual Address
auto eth0:1
iface eth0:1 inet static

riavviare networking da inet.d con /etc/init.d/networking restart
dando il comando ucarp --help si hanno le seguenti informazioni:

root@newmate:/etc# ucarp --help

ucarp 1.1 - Dec 26 2004

--interface=<if> (-i <if>): bind interface <if>
--srcip=<ip> (-s <ip>): source (real) IP address of that host
--vhid=<id> (-v <id>): virtual IP identifier (1-255)
--pass=<pass> (-p <pass>): password
--preempt (-P): becomes a master as soon as possible
--addr=<ip> (-a <ip>): virtual shared IP address
--help (-h): summary of command-line options
--advbase=<seconds> (-b <seconds>): advertisement frequency
--advskew=<skew> (-k <skew>): advertisement skew (0-255)
--upscript=<file> (-u <file>): run <file> to become a master
--downscript=<file> (-d <file>): run <file> to become a backup
--deadratio=<ratio> (-r <ratio>): ratio to consider a host as dead
--shutdown (-z): call shutdown script at exit
--daemonize (-B): run in background
--facility=<facility> (-f): set syslog facility (default=daemon)

Sample usage:

Manage the shared virtual address on interface eth0, with
1 as a virtual address idenfitier, mypassword as a password, and as a real permanent address for this host.
Call /etc/ when the host becomes a master, and
/etc/ when the virtual IP address has to be disabled.

ucarp --interface=eth0 --srcip= --vhid=1 --pass=mypassword \
      --addr= \
      --upscript=/etc/ --downscript=/etc/

Please report bugs to

in seguito avviare ucarp con:

DA COMPLETARE PRESTO... dato che ho un piccolo problema con gli indirizzi IP...

per farlo partire all'avvio inserire la stringa in un file in /etc/rc2.d/S99NomeFileDiAvvio o creare uno script e chiamare lo script da rc2.d/S99NomeFileDiAvvio per esempio.