Versione 7 del 2008-03-18 17:28:23

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Wireless Networking in the Developing World

Seconda edizione (in inglese)

This revised and expanded 425 page book includes over 170 pages of new material, including new chapters on solar power and economic planning, several new case studies, and much more.

In the developing world, one book can often be equivalent to a library. Access to books is difficult where there are few libraries or book stores, and there is often little money to pay for them. By releasing this book for free under a Creative Commons license, anyone is free to download, print, update, or redistribute it. We hope to reach the widest possible audience, spreading the knowledge of low-cost wireless networking to those who need it most. wndw2-ebook.pdf

Prima edizione

Potete scaricare la prima edizione del libro (in inglese):Wireless Networking in the Developing World oppure nella versione per la stampa: qui.

E' in corso la traduzione della prima edizione in italiano. Partecipa.

Asterisk: The Future of Telephony

Potete scaricare il libro (inglese): Asterisk: The Future of Telephony

How To Accelerate Your Internet

Da (quasi) gli stessi autori di Wireless Networking in the Developing World: (in inglese).

How To Accelerate Your Internet

Networking - La rete come arte

In italiano: Networking - La rete come arte

Guida alle W-lan

Wi-Fi: lo studio, la realizzazione teorico-pratica, la sicurezza, il modding e l'hacking per il neofita e l'utente evoluto.

In italiano: